The Titans, which were actually a group of beings, all related to each other. Some examples were: Kronos, Hyperion, Oceanus, and Prometheus.
I think the greatest mythological greek hero would be Hercules because he did 12 almost impossible tasks.
Many characters in Greek mythology could be described as strong because a lot of them were warriors, but the most famous strong mythological hero is Heracles/Hercules.
Hestia was not in any greek stories
Hercules is the Latin version of the name of the Greek mythological character Herakles (which made its way into Latin probably by way of Etruscan). The Greek name means "glory of [the goddess] Hera."
The Minotaur!
Icarus is a Greek Mythological character and as such as no place in Religious classes.
The name of the chemical element is derived from the name of the titan Prometheus in the Greek mythology.
YES!!! He is in a lot of Greek Mythological stories.
Yes, She is! The Gorgon Medusa was a female monster of Greek mythology. She had live snakes instead of hair.
No, a mythological Greek hero.
They are a Greek mythological creature.
The Ancient Greek mythological character Echo was condemned to repeat the words of others as a punishment from the goddess Hera.
Saturn's mythological name is Saturn. In Greek he is known as Kronos.
I think the greatest mythological greek hero would be Hercules because he did 12 almost impossible tasks.
Archimedes was Greek, but he had no mythological basis or affiliation.
Many characters in Greek mythology could be described as strong because a lot of them were warriors, but the most famous strong mythological hero is Heracles/Hercules.