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According to Sanskrit Vedic texts: The Primeval man. He was sacrificed, and from his body elements of the natural universe were then created.

In some lineages of Hindu the Dharma, Purusha (sanskritpuruṣa, पुरुष "man, macranthropy", in sutraalso called puṃs "man") is the "world-soul" which pervades the universe. The vedasdeityare interpretations of the many facets of Purusha. According to the Rigvedic purusha-sukta, Purusha was dismembered by Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva -

In the rigveda, Purusha is described as a primeval giant that is sacrificed by the gods (see purushamedha) and from whose body the purushaand the varnas (castes) are built. He is described as having a thousand heads and a thousand feet. He emanated Virat, the female creative principle, from which he is reborn in turn after the world was made out of his parts.

In the sacrifice of Purusha, the Vedic chants were first created. The horses and cows were born, the brahminwere made from Purusha's mouth, the kshatriyafrom his arms, the vaisyafrom his thighs, and the shudra-1from his feet. The Moon was born from his mind, the Sun from his eyes, the heavens from his skull. Indra and Agni emerged from his mouth.

The parallel to Norse ymiris oftenpurushaconsidered to reflect the myth's origin in proto-indo-european-religion.


Purusha is the most misunderstood entity in Hinduism.

We have a grossly distorted concept of Purusha because our concept of Purusha is based on the literal meaning of Purusha (Rigveda 1.10.90). This makes us conclude that Purusha is surreal.

According to Manu Smriti 1.11, Purusha is same as Brahman. This means that Purusha is absolute fact and thus is directly compatible with science.

Purusha (Rigveda 1.10.90) is a symbolic description of the properties of the isometric component of our skeletal muscular system acting as a single unit.

That single unit is what we call Purusha.

It has to be mentioned here that the isometric component controls the isotonic component of our skeletal muscular system that brings about movements. Thus, Purusha, though by himself can't bring about any movement, has indirect control over each and every activity of our life.

We should associate every symbol mentioned in Rigveda 1.10.90 a property of isometric contraction of our skeletal muscular system. We must never take the literal meaning of the Mantras.


Rigveda 1.10.90 - 1:

Literal translation:

Purusha has thousand heads, thousand eyes and thousand feet. On every side of pervading earth he fills a space ten fingers wide.

Interpretation based on Brahma Jnana:

We think with the Unified Skeletal Muscle, feel with it and it facilitates or retards whatever we do. It is the outstanding unified symbol that keeps absolute facts as the center of our entire life.

Rigveda 1.10.90 - 12

Literal translation:

The Brahmana was his mouth, of both his arms was the Rajanya made.

His thighs became Vaisya, from his feet the Sudra was produced.

This is the most misunderstood Vedic Mantra.

The Varnas refer to efficiency our activities. There are four Varnas and thus four grades of efficiency.

We consider eating as an example.

1. The most efficient way of eating would one in which some one else keeps food in our mouth. (Brahmana Varna).

2. It is less efficient when we use our arms to reach our food. (Kshatriya Varna).

3. It is still less efficient when, in addition, we to lean forward using our thighs. (Vaishya Varna).

4. It is least efficient when we use our feet to take a step to reach the food. (Shudra Varna).

Rigveda 1.10. 90 - 14 and Manu Smriti 1.19 and 1.20

According to both of these, Purusha behaves as seven different Purushas, depending on which of the seven locations of it is active. {depending on the point towards which Purusha (Unified Skeletal Muscle) is contracted}.

These seven manifestations of Purusha (Brahman) are Indra, Shakti, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Shani and Yama. This is what we mean when we say all gods are manifestations of Brahman and that all gods spring from Brahman.


Purusha has the entire range of the tone of our skeletal muscular system i.e. 0% - 100%.

Brahman has a tone exactly 50%. Thus, Brahman is the state in which Purusha can't felt. Brahman is the ideal state of Purusha.


1. Purusha, according to Hindu mythology is a surreal character

2. According to Brahmajnana, it is the isometric component of our skeletal muscular system acting as a single unit

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