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Odysseus' dog, who dies of happiness. As soon as he recognises his master :'(

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Q: Who is Argos in the Odysseus?
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Who was argos?

Argos was a city in Ancient Greece with Hera as its patron. Argos was also Odysseus' faithful and loyal dog

What happens when Odysseus sees Argos?

Odysseus cries a tear, but wipes it from his eye. Argos perks up at the vistor and wags his tail. He asks the swineherd Eumaeus about the dog, who tells him about Argos. When Argos recognizes Odysseus, he dies.

How does Argos recognize Odysseus?

Argos recognizes Odysseus by his scent after not seeing him for 20 years, displaying his loyalty and intelligence by wagging his tail in acknowledgment before passing away.

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Who is odysseus's old dog?


Who killed Argos?

argos dies when his master Odysseus returns to him. no one kills him

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How does argos know Odysseus return home?


Who is the owner of argos?

Limited company

How does argos knows that Odysseus returned home?


What happens to Argos when Odysseus walks away from him?

Sadly, Argos dies. Argos was in dire health, due to neglect, by the time Odysseus came home, but Odysseus could not reveal his true identity at that time, so he could not tend to Argos or try to save him. Still, Argos recognized him and had just enough strength to greet him and wag his tail, causing Odysseus to shed a tear at what had become of his loyal pet since he had been gone.

How does argos knows that his master Odysseus has returned?

How does Argos knows that his master Odysseus has returned? He recognizes Odysseus's face. He recognizes Odysseus's voice. He picks up the scent of his master. He doesn't; he dies just as Odysseus appears.