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Her momma and her papa... go shoot and stabbed up in the car.

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Q: Who inspired Cleopatra to become who she is?
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What inspired Cleopatra to become famous?

Cleopatra was inspired by watching her mother rule

What are some of Cleopatra's legacies left?

Cleopatra's story inspired Shakespeare and several movies.

What Are Some Of Cleopatra's legacies left.?

Cleopatra's story inspired Shakespeare and several movies.

How did Cleopatra VII become famous?

Cleopatra did not become famous. She was actually not liked at all.

Was literature inspired by the love story of Cleopatra and Mark Antony?

Yes, the love story of Cleopatra and Mark Antony has inspired various literary works, including Shakespeare's play "Antony and Cleopatra" and George Bernard Shaw's play "Caesar and Cleopatra." Their relationship, characterized by passion, power, and tragedy, continues to fascinate and influence writers and artists.

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How has Cleopatra inspired others?

Cleopatra has never inspired others except in the advertising world. The few positive things that she did have been overshadowed by all the negative hype about her. Her image/name has been used by advertisers for everything from perfumes, cigarettes, revealing costumes, incense, etc.

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Why did Cleopatra become who she is?

Cleopatra became who she is today because of the misconceptions and myths that have grown up over the centuries.

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Was literature inspired by the love story of cleopatra and mark Anthony?

Yes, the love story of Cleopatra and Mark Antony has inspired various literary works throughout history. It has been a popular subject for poets, playwrights, and novelists, including William Shakespeare's play "Antony and Cleopatra" and George Bernard Shaw's play "Caesar and Cleopatra." The tragic romance between these historical figures continues to captivate audiences and serve as a source of inspiration for storytelling.

Who inspired Picasso?

He was inspired by his mom and Paul Cezanne to become an artist.