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Every god other than Aphrodite, his wife, hated Ares.

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Q: Who didn't like Ares?
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Did Ares use swords?

no he didnt

What were the names of Ares mortal children?

ares had no mortol chilren he didnt even get married..

Why didnt Ares is parents like him?

Because he was rude and a coward and was always arguing with his mother and disagreeing with his father.

Did the greek god Ares have powers?

Yes! Ares did have powers! He wouldn't be much of a god if he didnt.

Who killed the god Ares in the book 'The Lightning Thief?

he didnt die Percy just stabed ares in the ankle

What are the names of the mortals?

ares had no mortol chilren he didnt even get married..

Does Ares like Athena?

No! Athena and Ares have a rivalry!!

Did Percy find what was stolen?

3 things thing#1 ares didnt steal it luke did and got caught by ares but luke convinced ares to keep the lightning bolt and the helm of darkness ,thing #2 ares did it because like i said earlier luke convinced ares to do it by letting him know that if he didnt return the lightning bolt to Zeus a war between Zeus and posiedon would start and if he didnt return the h.o.m(helm of darkness) to hades he would start a war,thus making a three way war, and with ares being god of war and all that's kind of hard to resist, and finally thing #3 ares did not blame Percy, Zeus did because he's posiedons son and aparently posiedon has tried to overthrow Zeus befor. i hope that anwsered your question and sorry if my answer got to complicated for you.

Does Ares like chariot?

One of Ares' symbols is a chariot.

Why was Ares the god of war not appreciated?

Because he created havoc among humans on earth and the gods didnt appreciate it

How does Ares look like in real life?

ares looks ugly

What is Ares like?

ares was a hated child his father zeus did not like him becuase he was a wimp when he got cut by a sword