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Q: Who did Zeus turn to stone?
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Why did Zeus turn Dione into stone?

Zeus did not turn Dione to stone, Niobe was turned to stone out of pity.

Who did Zeus turn into stone?


What did Zeus turn his daughter Thalia into as a memorial for her bravery?


What woman did Zeus turn to stone?

Niobe is the most well known because with her children killed by Apollo and Artemis she prayed to be turned to stone.

What women did Zeus turn to stone?

Niobe, who Zeus turned to stone out of pity after she could not stop weeping at seeing her children killed by Artemis and Apollo because she had mocked their mother Leto for having fewer children than she did.

Why was one of Zeus' sons turned to stone?

One of Zeus' sons, Perseus, was not turned to stone. However, the Gorgon Medusa, whom Perseus defeated, could turn people to stone with her gaze. Perseus used the reflection in his shield to avoid looking directly at her and managed to defeat her.

Did Zeus turn Medusa into a monster?

No, Zeus didn't turn Medusa into a monster. His daughter, Athena, did.

How did Rhea fool Cronus when Zeus was born?

Rhea fooled Cronus by giving him a stone wrapped in blankets instead of baby Zeus to swallow. This deception allowed Zeus to be raised in secret, eventually leading to him overthrowing Cronus and becoming king of the gods.

Can a star fish turn to stone?

no it can not turn to stone..

Who hid Zeus from Cronus?

It was Rhea, Zeus's mother, she wrapped a stone in cloth and gave it to Cronus, pretending it was Zeus. hope this helps you! x

What did Zeus turn people into?


When was Turn to Stone created?

Turn to Stone was created in 1977-10.