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omq she punished nurcissis

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Q: Who did Aphrodite punish?
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Why was Aphrodite jealous of psyche?

Aphrodite was jealous of Psyche because Psyche's beauty and charm were being compared to Aphrodite's own beauty and power. This threatened Aphrodite's position as the goddess of love and beauty, so she sought to punish Psyche for this perceived rivalry.

Did Aphrodite protect people or punish people?

she protected women from being horrifingly uggly and granted men with beautiful wives

Did Aphrodite like her marriage?

No she did not because her husband was very ugly and she got married with Zeuses force to punish her She married Hephaestus, the god of fire and the forge.

Why did Hera side with Greeks for Trojan war?

Paris offended her by picking Aphrodite as the fairest. So in consequence she sided with the Greeks to punish Paris and his people for his offense.

Why does Aphrodite punish on narcissus?

Because Narcissus disobeyed to Aphrodite . Aphrodite , she wanted him to know that what it felt like to love and never be loved. She made it so there was only one whom he would love, someone who was not real and could never love him back ( that is himself )

Why does Aphrodite punish Narcissus?

Because Narcissus was loved; but loved no one but himself in turn.

Why was Aphrodite so jealous?

She was not a jealous goddess unless a deity or mortal insulted her, then she acted only to punish them so others would not follow in their footsteps. That was the norm of Greek mythology.

How was Aphrodite's behavior towards others?

Often she was if not outstandingly kind, at least sympathetic towards those who respected and honored her in mythology, if one did not spurn or dismiss her, she was not the sort of goddess who would punish without cause.

What is a sentence for the word punish?

We will punish those responsible.Why must you punish me?

Who did Eros quarrel with?

His most famous quarrel was with Aphrodite, his mother. She was jealous of Psyche's beauty and asked Eros to make Psyche fall in love with something hideous, but by a mistake Eros scratched himself with a love arrow and could not bring himself to punish Psyche. Aphrodite took matters into her own hands and created a barrier around Psyche, so that no one could get close to her. The standoff lasted for a long time: Eros refusing to stir love, as was his duty, Aphrodite refusing to restore Psyche. At last Aphrodite gave in and Psyche and Eros were married.

Who is Aphrodite nemesis?


What is the song that has Aphrodite in the lyrics?

Aphrodite's Tears by Salem, Aphrodite of Hatred by Izakaron, Aphrodite's Winter by Cathedral, Aphrodite by Ash, Aphrodite Marine by Misanthrope, Green-Eyed Aphrodite by The Cable Car Theory...I don't know that many, are any of those it?