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Eurylochus and the rest of the men

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Q: Who convinced Odysseus to stop at the isle of Helios the sun god?
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Who convinced Odysseus to stop at the isle Helios the sun god?

Eurylochus and the rest of the men

Who convinced Odysseus to stop at the isle of Helios?

Eurylochus, a member of Odysseus's crew, convinced him to land on the isle of Helios against his better judgment. Despite Odysseus's warnings not to do so, the hungry and tired crew disobeyed and ended up bringing calamity upon themselves.

Why do Odysseus' men beg him to stop on Helios' island?

They see Helios' cattle and want to steal some.

How does eurylochus convince Odysseus to stop on Helios' island?

Eurylochus convinces Odysseus and his crew to stop on Helios' island by explaining that they are in dire need of rest and supplies. He argues that they should take advantage of the island's resources before continuing their journey, despite the potential consequences of angering Helios.

Who warns Odysseus not to stop on Helios' island?

alice cullen ;) :) : ) : ) : ): ): ): ): ): : ) ): ):): ): : ): ) :) : ) : ): ) :) : ): )P: ):) :) : ):

Why do Odysseus' men beg him to stop on Helios' island in book xii?

Odysseus' men beg him to stop on Helios' island in Book XII because they are weak and hungry after surviving many challenges, including the Cyclops and the Laestrygonians. They hope to find provisions and resupply their ship before continuing their journey.

Which god is plotting against Odsseus?

Posiden, god of the sea, makes odysseus take 20 years for him to get home becuse odysseus did not give thanks and praise. Helios, god of the sun. after eating helioses cattle, helios tells zeus to destroy odysseuses ship with lightning. if zeus does not do as requested, then Helios will tell the sun to stop shinning. so zues stuck odysseuses ship killing everybody on board but odysseus.

How does eurylochus persuade odyssey to stop at Helios?

Eurylochus persuades Odysseus to stop at Helios by arguing that it is better to face possible death by starvation on the sea than to perish from hunger on the ship. He also highlights the favorable condition of the island and the potential to find provisions there.

What is Helios threat at the end of the Odyssey?

In the end of the Odyssey, Helios threatens to stop shining his light on the gods and humans because Odysseus' crewmen killed his cattle. He demands retribution for the slaughter of his sacred cattle.

How does Odysseus react to the cattle of the sun god?

Odysseus made his men solemnly swear not to kill either the cattle or any large flocks of sheep that they might find on Thrinacia. After his men kill Helios' cattle, it is not explicitly said whether Odysseus partakes in eating the meat. All though he berates each man individually, he does not stop his men from killing the cattle, which they do for the next 6 days.

What threat did Helios make in response to the death of his cattle?

Helios threatened to stop shining on the Earth, and go down into Hades to shine there instead.

What caused Odysseus not to be successful on getting home?

On odysseus' way home from the Trojan War, he makes a few stops. When he injures polyphemus on the island of the Cyclopes, Poseidon instantly hates him and makes it very tough for Odysseus to get home. Also, it didn't help that 1. They stopped on a cannibalistic island 2. Stop by Circe's to get turn into pigs 3. Eat Helios' cattle 4. Zeus killing all of Odysseus' crew except for him 5. Oh, and Calypso capturing Odysseus for 7 years didn't exactly help.