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Q: Which technique does the writer use to tell events that happened before the Odyssey began?
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The Odyssey begins in the middle of the story Which technique does the writer use to tell events that happened earlier in the story?

The writer uses the literary technique of "flashbacks" to reveal events that happened earlier in the story in "The Odyssey." Flashbacks are narrative devices that allow the author to interrupt the chronological flow of the story and provide background information or context for the reader.

What happened before the beginning of The Odyssey?

The events of the Iliad all take place before the Odyssey. The war at Troy has ended, with the Greeks victorious; the Greeks sack the city. Technically, the start of the Odyssey starts many years after the war at Troy ends. By this time, most of Odysseus' journey is already over, although we do not yet know of these events. It is hard to give away more of the events without spoiling the narrative of the story.

What events are the Iliad and the Odyssey based on?

The Iliad and Odyssey are based on the siege of Troy and the resultant events.

What events happen at the beginning of The Odyssey?

The Odyssey begins at the end of the Trojan War.

Is The Odyssey a true story or a myth?

The Odyssey is a poem written by Homer and is not based on actual events

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William Shakespeare was born

What is the explanation of events that happened before the story's current action?

That is called backstory.

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Morgan Freeman became God

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They could have found out about events that happened by them finding certain artifacts

From which of the can you most reliably infer that Greeks at the time of The Odyssey had an interest in travel?

From the widerange setting of events in the odyssey

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What does Antecedent action refer to?

The Antecedent Action is that part of the characters' experience which comes before the events of the story. If it has a bearing, information about it must be given either in the Introduction, or incidentally later on.