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Old Kingdom

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New kingdom

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Q: Which of the periods in this time line occurred farthest from the birth of Jesus Old Kingdom or Ptolemaic Dynasty?
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Did Cleopatra v11 reign in the old kingdom?

No, she reigned in the Ptolemaic dynasty. The old kingdom was a couple of thousand years before her time.No, she reigned in the Ptolemaic dynasty. The old kingdom was a couple of thousand years before her time.No, she reigned in the Ptolemaic dynasty. The old kingdom was a couple of thousand years before her time.No, she reigned in the Ptolemaic dynasty. The old kingdom was a couple of thousand years before her time.No, she reigned in the Ptolemaic dynasty. The old kingdom was a couple of thousand years before her time.No, she reigned in the Ptolemaic dynasty. The old kingdom was a couple of thousand years before her time.No, she reigned in the Ptolemaic dynasty. The old kingdom was a couple of thousand years before her time.No, she reigned in the Ptolemaic dynasty. The old kingdom was a couple of thousand years before her time.No, she reigned in the Ptolemaic dynasty. The old kingdom was a couple of thousand years before her time.

What kingdon was Cleopatra in?

Cleopatra was a ruler of the Egyptian kingdom, in the Ptolemaic dynasty.

When was Ptolemaic Kingdom created?

Ptolemaic Kingdom was created in 305.

What territory did Ptolemy get after Alexander the Great died?

Ptolemy got Egypt. He founded the Ptolemaic dynasty, the last kingdom of Egypt. Cleopatra is descended from him.

Which time did Cleopatra rule old kingdom new kingdom or ptolemaic period?

Cleopatra ruled in the Ptolemaic period.

In what kingdom did the reign of the pharaohs end?

The Pharaoh's ruled Egypt until the 30 A.D. and the Ptolemaic Dynasty. After this time Egypt became under the rule of Augustus Caesar and Rome.

Why was Cleopatra the last Macedonian Ptolemaic Dynasty?

He wasn't the last Pharaoh as many ruled after him such as Rameses I, II, III. ------------------- he was the last blood related pharaoh of his 18th dynasty ancestors. Ay and Horemheb succeeded him right after but they weren't blood connected ------------------- The 18th dynasty concluded the Middle Kingdom, but the Pharaonic system continued through the Late Kingdom.

Where was Mark Antony died at?

Alexandria, Ptolemaic Kingdom

What were the 4 Hellenistic kingdoms?

Antigonid kingdom of Macedonia, Seleucid Kingdom, Kingdom of Pergamum, and Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt

Who did Alexander choose to rule Egypt after he conquered it?

One of his generals Ptolemy, who after Alexander's death carved off Egypt as a personal kingdom and founded the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt. Cleopatra was a descendant and successor of the Ptolemys.

Did Cleopatra rule in the middle kingdom?

ya? Cleopatra ruled in the Ptolemaic or Hellenistic era of Egypt. She ruled in a Macedonian dynasty having nothing to do with the native Egyptian dynasties such as the Old, New or Middle Kingdoms.

What kingdom and dynasty did the pyramids of Giza belong to?

The Old Kingdom and 4th Dynasty