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The lack of formal written language

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Q: Which of the followiing challenges faced both pachacuti and huayna capac as rulers of the Inca empire?
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Which challenges faced both Pachacuti and Huayna Capac as rulers of the Inca Empire?

a disorganized social hierarchy

Which of the following describes a difference between Pachacuti and Huayna Capac?

Pachacuti ruled over a small empire, while Huayna Capac ruled over a larger one.

What challenges faced both Pachacuti and Huayna Capac as rulers of the Inca Empire?

The lack of a formal written language

Which of the following statements accurately describes a similarity between the Inca leaders Pachacuti and Huayna Capac?

Both invested in developing roads throughout the Inca Empire.

How did huayna's decision to havethe empire divided after his death weaken the inca empire?

Huayna's decision to have the empire divided after his death was so that his two son's could both rule after his death.

Under the rule of huayna capac the Inca empire?

Q-Under the rule of Huayna Capac, the Inca Empire. A-Reached the height of its power and doubled in size.

Under the rule of Huayna Capac the Inca Empire .?

Q-Under the rule of Huayna Capac, the Inca Empire. A-Reached the height of its power and doubled in size.

Did the sons of Huayna Capac fight over who would control the Inca empire?

yes, they sure did.

What improvements did Huayna Capac make to the Inca empire?

Huayna Enchanced existing transportation by building new roads.He also is credited with building many impressive palaces and temples during the years of his rule.

Why did incan empire fall?

In the early 1500s, the incan empire reached the hieght pf its power under the rule of huayna capac. However, he died while travling through the empire. After huayna capac's death, civil war broke between his two sons, Atahuapla and huascar. Atahuapla eventually won, but the war tore the empire apart. When the spanish arrived, they took advantage of incan weakness to divide and comquer the empire.

When was Hellinsia huayna created?

Hellinsia huayna was created in 2011.

Who Are Huyana And Capac From The Inca?

Not "Huyana and Capac", but "Huayna Cápac" (or "Wayna Qhapaq") - a single person. One of the rulers of the Inca empire.