One Goddess with 7 letters in her name is Demeter, in Greek mythology. Also ARTEMIS.
Artemis- goddess of the huntDemeter- goddess of the harvest
D e m e t e r
Demeter and Artemis are Greek goddesses with seven letters in their names.
One Goddess with 7 letters in her name is Demeter, in Greek mythology. Also ARTEMIS.
Artemis- goddess of the huntDemeter- goddess of the harvest
Artemis is the greek goddess who has a 7 letter name. She is Apollo's twin sister. She was the lady of wild things, the huntress, maiden goddess, and moon goddess.
Artemis shoots arrows.
Athena was a goddess that had six letters in her name. She was the goddess of wisdom and war.
D e m e t e r
The Greek goddess of beauty was Aphrodite. However her name is not seven letters long, but nine. The Greek goddess with a bow and arrow is Artemis, the chaste goddess of the Hunt. Her name is seven letters.
Hestia (Greek Goddess of the Hearth)
Hemera was the Greek goddess of daytime. Her name begins with the letters He.
Aphrodite is the goddess of beauty.
That would be Artemis, goddess of the hunt and the moon, who's weapon is a bow and arrow like her twin brother, Apollo.