Pharaoh Akhenaten
Nefertiti, Kiya, Meritaten, Ankhesenamun, and a unidentified sister were all wives/consorts to Akhenaten.
He mandated worship of one god exclusively
Not likely, as Akhenaten's god was the sun, whereas Moses' God Is Spirit.
Pharaoh Akhenaten is known for introducing a monotheistic religion centered around the sun god Aten during his reign in ancient Egypt. He attempted to establish Aten as the supreme deity and even changed his name from Amenhotep IV to reflect his devotion to this one god.
Amenhotep IV changed his name to Akhenaten meaning "the spirit of Aton (the sun god)
Pharaoh Akhenaten
Akhenaten is especially noted for attempting to compel the Egyptian population in the monotheistic worship of Aten,
The pharaoh AkhenAten - the Aten was the Sun God.
The Supreme Court gained the power to declare laws unconstitutional
the supreme court can declare laws unconstitutional
The name given to the Supreme Court's power to declare a law unconstitutional is judicial review.
The judicial branch, specifically the Supreme Court, can declare laws unconstitutional.