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Q: Which character is keeping Odyssey on an island when The Odyssey begins?
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When the Odyssey begins which character is keeping Odysseus on an island?

The cyclops

Which character is keeping oddysseus on a island when the odyssey begins?


Who is keeping Odysseus on an island when the Odyssey begins?


When The Odyssey begins Calypso is?

keeping Odysseus prisoner on her island and preventing him from reaching home

Who is keeping Odysseus on an island when the Odyssey beings?


Where is the Odysseus when the odyssey begins?

Odysseus is trapped on the lush island of Ogygia, by the nymph Calypso at the beginning of The Odyssey.

Which character is keeping Odysseus on an island?

Calypso does.

Who is aeolous?

Aeolous is a character from the odyssey. He lends Odysseus the bag of winds. Also he never leaves the island of aeolia and has married his children.

Where did The Odyssey begin?

The Odyssey begins in the present with the invocation of the poet asking for help from the muse.The story begins in Mount Olympus, where the gods (with the exception of Poseidon) are meeting.Later in book 1, we join Telemachus on the island of Ithaca. However, the direct story of Odysseus begins in book 6 with Odysseus being found in Scheria by Nausicaa, a Phaeaician princess who takes him to her father, where he begins telling the tale of his return from Troy.

The Odyssey begins in medias res which means the events between the end of the Trojan War and Odysseus' time on Calypso's island must be .?

told through flashbacks

The Odyssey begins in medias res which means the events between the end of the Trojan War and Odysseus time on Calypso's island must be?

told through flashbacks

Who was Hermes in The Odyssey?

Hermes is the messenger that tells the witch that is keeping Odysseus on her island that she will have to let him go or stay of his own accord because poseidon believed that Odysseus had learned his lesson