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The Spanish outnumbered the aztecs

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The Spanish had more advanced technology that the Aztecs were afraid of. Example cannons, muskets and crossbows. They also had the advantage of European diseases that the Aztecs weren't immune to.

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Q: Which best explains why the Spanish were able to defeat the Aztecs?
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How were the Spanish able to defeat the empires of the Aztecs and Incas?

the Spanish were able to defeat the aztecs because of the aztecs own religion because they thought that the spanish ruler was there long lost god and they gave him so much gold that he wanted more and more also because they had swords and guns and they turned to the tribes next to the aztecs for help to the aztecs land.

Why were the spanish able to defeat the Aztec?

The Spanish had horses and guns while the Aztecs still used swards and did not use domesticated animals, but the reason they were able to defeat the Aztec was because the Aztecs suffered many deaths from disease.

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Why were a few spanish conquistadores able to defeat larger armies of the Aztecs and the incas?

some Native Americas sided with the spainsh against the Aztecs the Incas

Why were the Spanish able to defeat the Aztecs?

The Spanish had horses, guns, swords, and cannon while the Aztecs still used hand weapons and spears. They also had the backing from tribes who disliked the Aztecs, such as the Talaxcala. However the defeat of the Aztecs and the downfall of Tenochtitlan was mainly due to the ravages of disease. Most of the population of the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan, were wiped out by the diseases the Spanish brought, to which the natives had no immunity.

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Why were a few Spanish conquistadors able to defeat the larger armies of the Aztec and Incas?

some Native Americas sided with the spainsh against the Aztecs the Incas

How did the Spanish defeat the Inca?

The Spanish were able to defeat the Inca because of there new weapons and their support from Inca rivals.

Why were the Spanish able to conquer the incas and the Aztecs?

They brought European diseases with them.

3 reasons why the Spanish were able to conquer the Aztecs?

because the Spanish had three things that the Aztecs didn't have, the art of surprise, wealth and a really tuff army....

What did the spanish do in order to conquer Mexico?

At the time, the Tlaxcalans were a smaller tribe in central Mexico; they were bitter enemies of the Aztecs, so Cortes effortlessly recruited their help to subdue the Aztec Empire. Also, with the help of iron armor, gunpowder weaponry and diseases such as smallpox, the Spanish were able to defeat the Aztecs and effectively conquer Mexico on August 13, 1521.

What happened to the Aztec and the Inca empires?

Both the Inca and the Aztecs were defeated by the Spanish. Horses and guns were able to defeat spears and arrows. The Spanish took the gold, silver, and jewels back to Spain and then forced the natives to farm for them. The Spanish also converted the natives to Christianity.