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It's been used a few times but is probably best known for adorning the edge of British two pound coins.

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Q: Where would you find the inscrption standing on the shoulders of giants?
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Where would you find the inscription standing on the shoulders of giants?

The phrase "standing on the shoulders of giants" can be found inscribed on the edge of the British two-pound coin. It is a reference to the idea that progress is made by building on the work of those who came before us.

Is a head and shoulders chart pattern bullish?

No, a head and shoulders chart pattern in which the three peaks resemble the head and shoulders of a person standing, is generally considered a bearish pattern within technical analysis. Likewise, a reverse head and shoulders, which would look more like a 'W', is considered a bullish pattern. As with all technical analysis, nothing is fullproof in predicting the future.

Is head and shoulders shampoo for shoulders too?

No, because it's made for the hair. Welll it really only cures dandruff so it would serve no real reason on your shoulders. Some people use it for Acne "Head and shoulders" is a saying, when something is markedly better than the average, the way a very tall man is outstanding in a group of ordinary men, standing "head and shoulders" taller than they are. The company is saying the quality of their shampoo stands "head and shoulders" above their competition.

If you wrote a sentence My friends hugged my shoulders shoulders would be the .?

object in the sentence.

What inscriptions are on the British Two Pound coin?

The "edge inscription" on the standard issue Two Pound coins reads "STANDING ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS", and is credited to Sir Isaac Newton in acknowledgement of the achievements of scientists from the past, without whom todays achievements would not be possible.

What does someone carry if they had the weight of atlas on their shoulders?

Atlas was the god who had the job of carrying the world on his shoulders. So this person would have the weight of the whole world on their shoulders, so to speak.

What is to have the world on your shoulders?

To have the world on your shoulders means to have a great deal of responsibility that you are directly accountable for. Similar idioms would be, "carrying a heavy load"' "there's a lot riding on your shoulders".

If you were standing on the streets of Brisbane what country would you be in and on which coast of that country would you be standing?

You would be on the east coast of Australia.

Where would you be standing if you got 24hours of daylight every day in the summer?

we would be standing in the house

What units of mesurment would you use to mesure a 5cm box?

I would stand on the shoulders of giants, boldly go where others have gone before, and take advantage of the information that's already available to me. Since I already know that it's a 5cm box, and ' 5 ' is a rather convenient number, I would stick with a winner and adopt the 'centimeter' as my unit of measurement.

What is the ultimate computer?

I would suggest the ultimate computer is the one on your shoulders.

Where would you find the deltoids?

deltoids are a muscle group located in your shoulders