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They're in Mesoamerica!

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Q: Where were the Aztec and incan civilizations located?
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What Maya Aztec and Inca civilizations each developed?

Mayan, Incan and Aztec civilizations each developed calenders, mathematics, writing and other record keeping systems.

How did the arrival of the Europeans affect the Aztec and Incan empires?

Spanish Conquistadors destroyed both civilizations.

Name one cultral similarity shared by the Aztec and incan civilization?

One cultural similarity between the Aztec and Incan civilizations is their reverence for religious practices and beliefs. Both civilizations built grand temples and performed elaborate rituals to worship their gods.

Where was Aztec civilizations located?

the Aztec were devloped in Mexico

What characteristics did the Aztec and incan native Americans have in common that helped them to develop advanced civilizations?

respect for nature

Where are the incan pyramids in Mexico?

There are no Incan pyramids in Mexico. Either you are looking for Aztec or Mayan pyramids in central and southern Mexico or you are looking for the Inca pyramids located in Peru (South America)

How did greed influence the development of social classes in the ancient Aztec incan and spanish civilizations?

Greed was not a major factor in the development of the Aztec and Inca civilizations. the greed mainly manifested when the Spanish and Portuguese explorers found out the natives had vast gold and silver resources. Much of the natives' incentives were connected to the worship of their gods.

Why was Spain successful against the powerful Aztec and Incas?

Aztec: Hernan cortes Incan: Francisco Pizarro

What customs did the Inca's and the Aztec's share?

What characteristics did Aztec and Incan societies share? complex religious events (correct answer)

Inca civilizations were on what continent?

America, The Andes Mountians was were the Incan Empire was. : )

What ancient civilizations did Spain wipe out?

the three ancient civilizations that Spain wiped out were the Aztec, Inca, and Maya.

What is a similarity between the Mayan and Aztec civilizations?

Both the Mayan and Aztec civilizations were located in Mesoamerica, in present-day Mexico and Central America. They both had complex urban societies with skilled artisans, advanced agricultural practices, and sophisticated architectural structures. Additionally, both civilizations practiced a form of writing, mathematics, and astronomy.