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the vivtim heart was offered to the sun god

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Q: Where was the victim's heart placed in Aztecs?
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What did the Aztecs do with the heart?

The aztecs simply placed the heart in the altar of a god or godess after it was torn out of a victims chest OUCH! :o

How did the Aztecs sacrifice their victims?

They sacrificed by cutting the body open with either bone or obsidian and taking out the heart.

What civilization was partially known for their massive pyramids human sacrifices and ornate body parts?

The Aztecs had ritual sacrifies where the victims body would be painted and then placed on a slab and heart would be removed. Then they would throw the body down a pyramid/temple stairs.

What was a peculiar and frightening custom of the Aztecs?

Human sacrifice, cutting the heart out of living victims. Some historians have speculated that cannibalism was also practiced by them.

How were the Aztecs able to have supply of sacrificial victims?

The Aztecs went to neighboring tribes and took one of their people back to their capitol and sacrifices them.

When Aztecs conquered neighboring tribes what did they do to the people?

They used some of them as sacrificial victims.

Who take out alive man's heart?


How did the Aztecs get most of their victims for religious human sacrifice?

The Aztecs obtained most of their victims for religious human sacrifice through warfare and conquest. They would capture prisoners from rival tribes or enemies in battle to be sacrificed as offerings to their gods. Additionally, some victims were selected from within their own society, often criminals or individuals chosen for specific ritual purposes.

How many people were sacrificed by the Aztecs in a year?

Since the Aztecs believed to they needed to sacrifice a lot of people a year to please their "gods", this bloody ritual ceremony would take the lives of 10,000 people a year. If the Aztecs didn't have enough victims to supply this ritual of slashing open the victims chest on top of a temple the rolling the bloody body down the steps the Aztecs would fight battles with neighboring people and capture prisoners.

How did Aztecs kill people?

by taking out their heart and eating it

Who knew about Aztecs gods and rituals?

they pull there heart out

What does the color blue represent for the Aztecs?

integrity patience love and hope. one of the Aztecs gods Huitzilopitchli (pronounced Weetz-ee-loh-POCHT-lee) , the patron god of the Aztecs. his cape of hood or something he wore was blue and the Aztecs respected that. ever since then the Aztecs would paint their victims blue to show respect.