An island that wasn't attached to the ocean floor, so it couldn't be considered land. This is because her father Zeus had cheated on his wife Hera with Leto (Artemis' mother), so Hera hunted her on all land. It was only on that island that Leto could give birth.
Artemis was the daughter of Zeus and Leto. When Hera, the wife of Zeus, found out that Leto was pregnant with twins fathered by Zeus, she flew into a jealous rage and forbade all lands and waters to give Leto rest. Poor Leto had to wander the earth to find a place to give birth. She finally came upon the floating island of Delos. Since it was floating, it was neither land or water and was free from Hera's curse. There Leto gave birth to Artemis and her twin brother Apollo. Artemis was born first and became her mother's midwife.
They prayed to Artemis when they were going to war and/or hunting (becuase she was Goddess of The Hunt). They would also pray to her for a healthy child and a sucsessful birth (as she was the Goddess of child birth as well)
They say that Artemis and Apollo were born in different islands but the island were close...Artemis was born and she helped her mother,Leto, to born Apollo.
Birth of Apollo (in which Artemis assisted Leto, her mother: Apollo proved to be her ally and equal and few think of Artemis without Apollo)
Artemis was born on Ortygia, and traveled with Leto so she could give birth on rocky Delos. They then went to Olympus.
The month of Artemis's birth is not told in Greek myth.
A grove of cypress tree is scared to Artemis, as her birth place, some say.
Artemis was immortal from her birth. Artemis was born of the god Zeus and the goddess Leto. The twin of Artemis is Apollo.
The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus is one such ancient place.
the birth of the twins
The Temple of Artemis was built as a place to worship the goddess Artemis.
Leto gave birth to Artemis, and Artemis is a goddess of childbirth, protecting the child as it is born and if it is a girl she protects it until she is married, if a boy, Apollo protects the boy until marriage.
Artemis was born on the island of Delos. After her birth she helped her mother give birth to her younger twin brother, Apollo.
Artemis is the goddess protector of the child during birth; birth itself is the domain of Eileithyia, and Hera is the protector of the mother during birth.
the birth of the twins
It is said that Apollo came immediatly after Artemis.
Artemis is the daughter of Zeus: Hera is the wife of Zeus, and was married to Zeus at the time of Artemis' birth - so, yes, Hera is the step-mother of Artemis.