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He named the city Bucephala

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Q: Where is the city named Bucephalus?
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Which great military leader rode a horse named Bucephalus?

Bucephalus was ridden by Alexander the Great of persia

The story of bucephalus I dont know the story of bucephalus?

Bucephalus (Greek: Βουκεφάλας) was Alexander the Great's horse. When Alexander was young, he managed to tame the horse by observing that it was afraid of its' shadow and by forcing it to face the sun. Twenty years later, Bucephalus was mortally wounded in a battle and Alexander named a city in Asia "Bucephala" in honour of his horse.

What was the name of alexader's horse in Alexander the great Hollywood movie?

Alexander's horse was named Bucephalus in the movie and real life

Which Macedonian king had a horse named Bucephalus?

Alexander the Great.

Did Cleopatra have a pet horses?

NO BY User:WolfGirl5YES NAMED Bucephalus BY User:Zoom667

Name the genral who loved his horse so much that he built a city in his memory?

Alexander the Great. He built many cities, several of them named after himself, and one named after his horse Bucephalus.

Name the general who loved his horse so much that he built a city in his memory?

Alexander the Great. He built many cities, several of them named after himself, and one named after his horse Bucephalus.

What color was bucephalus?

Bucephalus Was a big Black Horse

How do you pronounce Alexander the great horse?

Alexander the Great's horse was named Bucephalus. The horse's name is pronounced like "Boo-Seph-Uh-Luss". It is reported that Alexander adored Bucephalus and rode him into many battles.

What is Alexander's horse's name?

His horses name was 'Bucephalus'. Here's more: Bucephalus died in June 326 BC, and his breed is an Equus Caballus horse.