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Etymology: from the old days when miners held boxing matches; the winner got money, the loser got a ham and egg meal

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Q: Where does the phrase ham and eggs come from?
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What is the final answer to do you like green eggs and ham?

Yes, I do like green eggs and ham.

Do you like green eggs and ham?

No I do not, Sam I am, I do not like green eggs and ham!

How many times do they say green eggs in ham in the book Green Eggs and Ham?

6 times that they said Green eggs and ham

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whats the setting of green eggs of ham

How many pages in green eggs and ham?

62 pages in Dr. Suess' Green Eggs and Ham.

What was the bet on the book green eggs and ham?

In "Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss, the bet was that the character Sam-I-Am couldn't get the other character to try green eggs and ham. Sam-I-Am succeeds in the end.

Where did phrase haming it up come from?

It came from Ham's jesting and uncovering of his father, Noah in Genesis 9

In Dr Seuss's 'Green Eggs and Ham who likes to eat Green Eggs and Ham?

Sam I am

What was the polysylabic word in Green Eggs and Ham?

The polysyllabic word in "Green Eggs and Ham" is "anywhere."

What animal does Sam try to convince Green Eggs and Ham?

Sam tries to convince the character to try green eggs and ham.

Who wrote the book Green Eggs and Ham?

The very famous book 'Green Eggs and Ham' was written in 1960 by the author called Dr Seuss.Green Eggs and Ham is the fourth best-selling children's book of all time.Further reading:Green Eggs and Ham on AmazonGreen Eggs and Ham on WikipediaGreen Eggs and Ham on GoodreadsDr Seuss on WikipediaThe official website of Dr Seuss

What are the release dates for Ham and Eggs - 1901?

Ham and Eggs - 1901 was released on: USA: June 1901