this is what i got from
The meaning of the name Diandra is Combination Of Diana And Sandra The origin of the name Diandra is American"
where does name saavedra come from
The name sharoy come from Israel.
What country did the name Tosches come from?
What country does the name Travis come from
the name come from ancient Greece and it means pure
Diandra Douglas's birth name is Diandra M. Luker.
Diandra Newlin's birth name is Diandra Anastasia Newlin.
Diandra Lee's birth name is Diandra L. Woon-A-Tai.
Diandra Asbaty is 5' 5".
Carex diandra was created in 1782.
Diandra Douglas was born in 1956.
Diandra Asbaty was born in 1980.
Dian Sastrowardoyo's birth name is Diandra Paramitha Sastrowardoyo.
Diandra Newlin was born on March 4, 1991.
Diandra Soares was born on 1979-08-13.
Diandra Newlin is 5' 4 1/2".
Diandra Newlin was born on March 4, 1991.