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Posted by ESC on November 19, 2000 In Reply to: Origin or etymology posted by Sheri on November 19, 2000 : I am wanting to know the origin of the phrase "necessity is the mother of invention".

: Help ... please. NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION - " Dire situations inspire ingenious solutions. If worse comes to worst, people will apply all their imagination and skill to deal with the problem. In Latin: 'Mater artium necessitas.' The adage has been traced back to 'Vulgaria' (1519). In 1658, Richard Franck wrote in his 'Northern Memoirs': 'Art imitates Nature, and Necessity is the Mother of Invention.' The proverb was first attested in the United States in 'William Fitzhugh and His Chesapeake World' (1681)." From "Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings" (1996) by Gregory Y. Titelman (Random House, New York, 1996).

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It is "Necessity is the mother of invention"

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Necessity is the mother of invention. You must know you have a need, a driving force. There are time when advancements are made by mistakes but those are few and far between.

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Necessity is the mother of invention.

In the quote necessity is the mother of invention what does the mother of invention mean?

"necessity is the mother of invention"This means that solutions to problems (the invention bit) are born out of then need for a solution (the necessity).As coming up with an idea is said to be the birth of an idea, this leads to the mother reference in the quote i.e. the need is the mother that gives birth to the idea for a solution.

How creative and bright ideas comes?

Necessity is the Mother of invention

Explanation of 'necessity is the mother of invention'?

'Necessity is the mother of invention' means that lifeforms develop and make new things for what they need, (e.g. to stick things together, humans invented glue!)

What is necessity is the mother of invention?

It means our great grandpas to the millionth power "necessity" to eat, "mothered" the invention of hunting and cooking food, and so on and so forth