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He wonn a series of battles across North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia 331-327 BCE. The major ones were Granicus, Issus and Gaugamela.

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Q: Where did Alexander the Great defeat the Persian Empire?
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What empire did Great Alexander defeat?

Persian Empire

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Alexander the Great defeated the Persian empire

Who did Alexander the Great defeat to create an Empire?

Darius II of the Persian Empire

When did Alexander the Great defeat the Persian Empire?

From 334 to 331 BCE.

What caused the Persian Empire to collapse?

Its defeat and takeover by Alexander the Great.

What led to the defeat of the Persian Empire?

Alexander the Great invaded it successfully and converted it into an empire of his own.

Alexander the Great conquered what empire?

Alexander conquered the Persian Empire.

When did the Persian Empire defeat occur?

As a result of Alexander the Great's attacks 334-331 BCE.

What year did Alexander the Great defeat the Persian Empire?

It took him 10 years - 334 to 324 BCE.

What was the empire after the Persian Empire?

The Macedonian Greek Empire of Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire and incorporated all of its lands.

What did Alexander the Great's conquest of the Persian Empire resulted in?

Alexander the Great's conquest of the Persian Empire created an empire reaching from Egypt to India.

What empire did Alexander the Great conqeur?

The Persian Empire.