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Q: When was the only time Celts wore helmets?
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What kind of jewelry did the Celts wear?

the Celts wore torques, they also wore amulets to keep away evil spirits and the wrath of the gods and they wore torks.

Why did the ancient Greeks wear helmets?

They wore helmets in order to protect their head from the weapons of their enemies during the battle.

What kind of clothing did the Celts wear?

Male Celts wore trousers and tunics (the length of the tunics often depended on the rank of the person - high ranked people tended to wear longer tunics). Female Celts wore dresses, and these dresses were often very cleverly decorated depending on the status of the woman. Female Celts nearer to Greece and Rome often copied the style of their dress from Greek clothing. All Celts (if they could afford it) wore a lot of jewellery, mainly torcs, earrings, rings, necklaces, anklets and headdresses.

Why do Celts wear torcs?

Celts wore torcs because they believed it would help them in battle against their foes, though they also wore torcs as jewellery. They were very popular in the ancient Celtic era, and often torcs were decorated extravagantly.

What was everyday life like for the Celts?

Everyday life for the Celts would be fun because the cooked in cauldrons, making huts by sticking them together with animal manure and grain into flour to make bread .Also when they went to war and killed the enemies they would come home and celebrate by decorating the huts with the dead enemies heads and because they were quite rich they wore and made lots of jewellery.

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What can you conclude about a culture in which people wore helmets with horns?

Many ancient Celts wore horned helmets.

Did German officers of World War 2 wear helmets?

not all the time they only wore helmets in combat but they were hardly ever in combat so yes they did

What kind of jewelry did the Celts wear?

the Celts wore torques, they also wore amulets to keep away evil spirits and the wrath of the gods and they wore torks.

What Celts wore for battle?


When were Roman helmets worn?

The Romans wore helmets during military maneuvers, during chariot races, and during gladiatorial combats.The Romans wore helmets during military maneuvers, during chariot races, and during gladiatorial combats.The Romans wore helmets during military maneuvers, during chariot races, and during gladiatorial combats.The Romans wore helmets during military maneuvers, during chariot races, and during gladiatorial combats.The Romans wore helmets during military maneuvers, during chariot races, and during gladiatorial combats.The Romans wore helmets during military maneuvers, during chariot races, and during gladiatorial combats.The Romans wore helmets during military maneuvers, during chariot races, and during gladiatorial combats.The Romans wore helmets during military maneuvers, during chariot races, and during gladiatorial combats.The Romans wore helmets during military maneuvers, during chariot races, and during gladiatorial combats.

How much did the americens armor weigh wile fighting on d day landings?

No Allied troops wore body armour. It did not exist then. Steel helmets was it.No Allied troops wore body armour. It did not exist then. Steel helmets were it.

What people wore horns hats wih horns on them?

It seems that many ancient Celts used horned helmets, also, Romans have depicted germanic peoples wearing them as well, there is a theory that these were only ceremonial. During the middle ages many Knights had horns of different shapes on their helmets. A horned viking helmet has never been found, but as Ian Malcolm says: Absence of proof is not proof of absence.

What do the Celts look like?

They were very tall and strong and had blond hair the had big moustashes and beards they wore helmets of iron whit cow horns on them they wore tunic and leather belts. Thay also wore a cape with a colour full block patteren waht we now see on the scottish kilts. They had irond swords and shields. So overall thay lookd kind of like the vikings and if you know the cartoon Asterix thay are also Celts ( and historicly corect)

What color helmets will the Patriots wear in Super Bowl XLVI?

The Patriots wore their silver helmets.

What did Celts have to where?

the Celts wore checkered clothes and thay made it themselfs i know that because i had a Roman assembly and i was a Roman

When were NFL players first required to wear helmets?

NFL players were first required to wear helmets in 1943. At the time, they were made of leather. They then went to being made of plastic and now are made of polycarbonate.

Why did the ancient Greeks wear helmets?

They wore helmets in order to protect their head from the weapons of their enemies during the battle.