Honey Bees http://www.thomashoney.com/honey_bees.html
Honey is not stored in sacks. Mankind has been 'harvesting' honey from bees for thousands of years.... long before the foundation of Rome.
oinos (wine) oinomel (wine and honey - mead) (meli = honey)
From beehives.
Honey Bees http://www.thomashoney.com/honey_bees.html
i did
No, not yet honey but It will be invented some day
No-one invented honey. Bees have been making it for millions of years.
Honey chocolate
The cereal Honey Bunches of Oats was first sold in 1988, after three years of development.
the day honey was invented by bee;s
Honey comes from bees, no human invented it. As for when humans discovered it tastes good, that was so long ago that no one can say who tried first.
minytoon or greg
we don't know when it is but we are amusing October 14 :):):):)
Ice cream was invented in the 4th century BC by Roman Emperor Nero when he sent his slaves up to retreive ice from the mountains. He flavored it with honey, fruits, and wine.Ice cream was invented in the 4th century BC by Roman Emperor Nero when he sent his slaves up to retreive ice from the mountains. He flavored it with honey, fruits, and wine.Ice cream was invented in the 4th century BC by Roman Emperor Nero when he sent his slaves up to retreive ice from the mountains. He flavored it with honey, fruits, and wine.
Candy, of some kind, was eaten by the ancients. At that time the only sweetener was honey so it would be made with this.