He did it by force - they were not 'united', they were under his control. When Thebes revolted, he destroyed the city and sold its inhabitants into slavery as a warning to the others.
The address of the Thebes Historical Society is: 24995 Diswood Road, Thebes, IL 62990
Cadmus founded thebes.
Which Thebes, Greece or Egypt
Dionysus was born in Thebes.
335 bc
Thebes, as a warning to other cities not to rebel.
Pindar's the poet
Alexander destroyed Thebes because he was using it as an example to other Greeks of what would happen if they turned against him.
Pindar the poet was spared
Thebes - he destroyed it and sold the people into slavery as a warning to the others after it revolted.
Alexander the great destroyed Thebis after he conquered it as an example to others.
Death. Thebes rebelled when he first took power and he destroyed Thebes, killed 6,000, and the remaining were sold into slavery. After that all thoughts of rebelling were given up.
He defeated Thebes and Athens and then destroyed Thebes when it revolted and sold its people into slavery. He also offered them a share in the spoils of his planned capture of the Persian Empire.
Thebes in Egypt is famous because it was the capitol of Ancient Egypt during the New Kingdom. Thebes in Greece is famous because it was a major power during the period of the city-states. It was a major rival of Athens, sided with the Persians during Xerxes' invasion of Greece in 480 BC, and ended the power of Sparta at the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC. Thebes was conquered and destroyed as a power by Phillip II of Macedon and his son, Alexander the Great, in 335 BC after their elite military group, the Sacred Band of Thebes, was destroyed in 338 BC.
Alexander had destroyed Thebes and sold its people into slavery as a warning to other cites.