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In spite of lurid tradition, we know nothing about the apostle John after the crucifixion. Various traditions describe the supposed deaths of the other apostles, sometimes in more than one location or by more than one means of execution. On the other hand, John is supposed to have lived a long life, perhaps in order to qualify him as the author of the Book of Revelation.

According to popular tradition, John was the youngest apostle, and on that view would have been born early in the first century. It is said he lived to an old age, dying at Ephesus sometime after 98 CE.

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St. John was the last Apostle to die. He lived to be about in his 90s or even to be 100.

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John was the youngest of the apostles so was probably born about AD 10. Tradition holds that he lived into his 90s so would have died about AD 100.

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