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PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360

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Brandy Mayert

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โˆ™ 2y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360

  • North America: November 13, 2007
  • Europe: November 16, 2007
  • Australasia November 21, 2007
  • Japan November 29, 2007
  • Microsoft Windows
  • North America: April 8, 2008[
  • Australasia: April 10, 2008
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Q: When did the first assassin's creed come out?
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When will the first trailer of assassins creed 3 come out?

its out

Where did assassins creed come from?

Assassins creed games are made by french developers (ubisoft) but assassins creed 2, the game, takes place in Italy

Can you get Assassins Creed on ds?

yes but the story of the original games is different. Theres Assassins Creed:Altairs Chronicles which is about The Assassin Altair from the first game(carrying on from the first Assassins Creed) and there is also Assassins Creed 2:Discovery,set 15years after Assassins Creed 2.

Is Assassins Creed 2 a recommended game?

yes but buy assassins creed 1 first to get familiar with it.

Are there trophys for Assassins Creed?

For Assassins Creed 1 No, for Assassins Creed 2 yes.

When does Assassins Creed brotherhood demo come out?

No demo

When does assassins creed ravalutons come out?

November 15th

When does the Assassins Creed revelations demo come out?

No demo

How many assassins can come once in Assassins Creed brotherhood?

3 depending on how many of your assassins are on missions.(contracts)

What is the name of Assassins Creed 4?

the next game to come out is actually assassins creed 3 because ACB was actually like a 2.5

What does the A stand for in assassins creed revelations?

The A is Assassins Creed Revelations is just a letter on how you spell AssAssins creed

How Many Assassins' Creed Games Are There?

As of now (April 2013) there are 8 main games and a number of supporting titles (ie; Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines, for the PSP). Ubisoft has plans to release a 7th and 8th main title in November of 2014. The lineage of the games is as follows. -Assassins' Creed (2007) -Assassins' Creed II (2009) -Assassins' Creed II: Brotherhood (2010) -Assassins' Creed II: Revelations (2011) -Assassins' Creed III (2012) -Assassins' Creed III: Liberation (2012) -Assassins' Creed IV: Black Flag (October 2013) -Assassins' Creed V: Unity (November 2014) -Assassins' Creed VI: Rogue (November 2014)