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Because it is a story from Greek mythology to explain the existence of seasons, I do not believe there was an actually year when Hades took Persephone.

The myth itself states that Persephone was taken by Hades while away from her mother, Demeter, Goddess of the Grain, and brought down into the underworld to be his bride and his queen. While there Persephone was tricked into eating pomegrante seeds by a boy she had teased while in the world of the living. In most tellings of this myth she ate 6 seeds, but depending on where the myth was told/derived from, the number is different because the lengths of the seasons were different.

Because she ate while in the underworld she had to stay with Hades for the number of months corresponding to the number of seeds she ate. Demeter was extremely saddened by the loss of her daughter and refused to help anything grow or be fruitful during the months when Persephone is in the underworld. However, when Persephone's months in the underworld are over and she returns to spend the remainder of the year with her mother, spring begins and Demeter allows the land to be fertile again.

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Who captured Persephone and where did he take her?

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What doesn't Hades like to do?

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Persephone stays with Hades in the Underworld for 6 months of the year.

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Persephone once lived with her mother, Demeter. However, she was abducted by Hades. After an altercation between Demeter and Hades, it was decided that Persephone would resides with Hades for 3 months of the year. The other months of the year she lives with her mother.

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Persephone only spends 6 months in Hades. -Indiriel ________________ In the underworld

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His wife Persephone, for half of the year.

Where does Persephone spend months a year?

Persephone only spends 6 months in Hades. -Indiriel ________________ In the underworld

What motivated Persephone?

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The time of year when Persephone is in the underworld?

The goddess Persephone is in the Underworld with the god Hades for half of the year; the seasons Autumn (Fall) and Winter.

Which myth Hades Demeter and Perspehone are involved in?

They are involved in the myth in which Hades falls in love with Persephone, and abducts her to the underworld to be his wife. Demeter, who loved her daughter more then anything, stopped doing her job and searched for Persephone. She found her in the Underworld and talked to Zeus. An agreement was made that half the year Persephone is with Demeter (Spring/Summer) and half the year Persephone is with Hades (Fall/Winter)