Herod wanted to be the Messiah. When he heard Jesus had been born, he sent soldiers to try and find the child to kill him. God had blessed Zacharias and his barren wife with a son, John, who would turn the people toward God. Zacharias died when he could not reveal where his son, John, was hiding to Herod's soldiers.
Zacharias Barbitsiotis died in 1804.
Zacharias Werner died in 1823.
Zacharias Papantoniou died in 1940.
Zacharias Blyhooft died in 1681.
Otto Zacharias died in 1916.
Georg Zacharias died in 1953.
Zacharias Longuelune died in 1748.
Zacharias Mellebye died in 1854.
Zacharias Paulusz died in 1648.
Zacharias Dase died in 1861.
zacharias janssen died in 1638
Zacharias Wagenaer died in 1688.