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In order to console Agamemnon, Odysseus turned his ships back towards Troy. This is when he and Nestor parted company.

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Q: When did Nestor and Odysseus part company?
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To ask him what he know about Odysseus, his father.

Who were Nestor's sons?

Thrasymedes; oldest son of Nestor - was in the Trojan war.Antilochus; was once a suitor of Helen, accompanied Nestor and Thrasymedes to the Trojan War.StratichusAretusEchephronPeisistratus or Peisistratos or Pisistratus; youngest son of Nestor, a friend of Telemachus (son of Odysseus).

How does Nestor describe Odysseus to Telemachus?

Nestor describes Odysseus as a brave and cunning warrior, known for his leadership skills and strategic thinking during the Trojan War. He highlights Odysseus's intelligence and resourcefulness, emphasizing his role in the success of the Greek army.

What is Telemachus really telling Nestor in the statement?

Telemachus is seeking information about his father, Odysseus, when he asks Nestor about his whereabouts during the Trojan War. Telemachus hopes to learn more about Odysseus's fate and gather clues on how to find him.

Which kings came to Ithaca to get Odysseus to fight in the Trojan War?

Palamedes, Menelaus, Nestor.

Whose council does telemachus seek for his journey?

Telemachus seeks advice and guidance from Nestor in Pylos and Menelaus in Sparta on his journey to find information about his father, Odysseus. Both Nestor and Menelaus were allies of Odysseus during the Trojan War and may provide valuable insights into his whereabouts.

What is nestors opinion on Odysseus in the book the odyssey?

Well he doesn't really care for Odysseus but pretends he is a friend to him when Odysseus's son comes to visit and want to know his whereabouts but Nestor doesn't tries to make up reasons why he doesn't know where or what even happened to him.

Why had Telemachus left Ithaca?

He and Mentor left to Pylos and Sparta to ask King Nestor and King Menelaus about the news regarding his father, Odysseus.

What is Telemachus really telling Nestor in this following statement And speak me no soft words in Ruth or pity but tell me plainly what sight thou didst get of him?

Telemachus is asking Nestor to be straightforward and not offer false comfort or sympathy. He wants Nestor to be direct and honest about any information he may have regarding the whereabouts or fate of his father, Odysseus.

What is the myth to Nestor in Greek mythology?

Nestor was the son of King Neleus, and became king after Hercules killed his father. He was one of Jason's Argonauts, and fought with the Greeks in the Trojan war. He was old and wise, and managed to survive the Trojan war. In the Odyssey, he is kind to Odysseus' son, Telemachus.