Alexander the Great's empire reached from Macedonia and Greece to all the way in northern India.
Alexander the great s empire.It streched from Greece to India. Alexander the great s empire.It streched from Greece to India.
from the hellenistic time of alexander
greece scotland
Alexander wanted to continue east of India but his soldiers were tired of the long campaign (12 years) and wanted to come home.
Alexander invaded India in 326 B.C.
Alexander of Macedon first entered the Gandhara province of India.
alexander the great
Alexander was finally defeated in india . Chandragupta maurya and kautilya defeated him . And alexander was forced to leave india. Ending his quest for conquering the world . Finally he left india and died in babylon .
invaded India in 327 C.E.
Alexander the Great crossed the Indus River during his conquest of India.
Alexander the great crossed the Indus River during his conquest of India.
Alexander the Great's empire reached from Macedonia and Greece to all the way in northern India.
Ancient India is not given the credit because they DID NOT actually defeat Alexander the great. Alexander's troops made him stop his seige on India because they were too tired to go on.