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a bronze spear and two hounds.

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Q: When Telemachus was going to speak to the assembly what did he take with him?
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When telemachus was going to speak to the assembly what did he take with him-?

Telemachus took a bronze spear with him when he was going to speak to the assembly.

What telemachus was going to speak to the assembly what did he take with him?

a bronze spear and two hounds.

When telemachus was going to speak to the assembly what he take with him?

a bronze spear and two hounds.

What did Telemachus take to the assembly?

bronze spear and 3 hounds

What did Telemachus and Peisistratus take with them?

food and drinks

What action does Athena advise Telemachus to take?

Athena advises Telemachus to leave Ithaca and travel on a journey to find his father, Odysseus

Who sent his son Pisistratus with telemachus to Sparta in the Odyssey?

Nestor was Pisastratus' father. Nestor advises Telemachus to take his sons as escorts.

What did Telemachus request of Nestor's son?

Telemachus requested that they should go directly to the ship rather than stop at the palace.

Who told Penelope to go to her chamber and take care of her own housewiferies?


What warning does Odysseus give Telemachus?

Odysseus warns Telemachus to be cautious of the suitors who are trying to take advantage of his absence to win Penelope's hand in marriage and take control of his kingdom. He advises Telemachus to think carefully before taking any action and to trust only a few loyal allies.

Why are the suitors plotting the murder of Telemachus?

The suitors see Telemachus as a threat to their plans to marry Penelope and take over Odysseus's kingdom. By eliminating Telemachus, they believe they can remove any obstacles to their goals and solidify their own power and wealth.

How does Odysseus tell Telemachus to react when the suitors abuse Odysseus?

Odysseus tells Telemachus to remain calm and not start a fight with the suitors. He advises Telemachus to observe their behavior and wait for the right moment to take action. Odysseus urges his son to trust in him and the plan they have in place to deal with the suitors.