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The ancient myths have no chronology.

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Q: What year was Medusa killed?
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What year they killed Medusa?


Who killed Medusa in the lightening thief?

Percy killed medusa in the lightening thief

Who is the person who killed medusa?

Medusa was beheaded by Perseus

Did Medusa die?

Yes, Medusa was killed by the hero Perseus.

How is Medusa related to Perseus?

because perseus killed medusa

Did Alexander the great kill Medusa?

The Medusa was killed by Perseus

Which hero killed the monster Medusa?

It was Perseus who beheaded Medusa.

Why did Medusa get killed?


Did Hercules killed Medusa?

No, he did not. The hero Perseus killed Medusa. Perseus was also Zeus' son but his mom was mortal.

Was Medusa killed by bellerophon?

No, by Perseus.

Hero who killed Medusa?


Who was killed by Medusa?

hera & aphrodite