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She wouldn't like it.

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Q: What would happen if humans didn't worship Athena?
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How was Athena born?

From what i learned, Zeus learned that Metis was going to have a child, Athena. Zeus didnt want this to happen because indulgent reasons, so he ate his wife and got a huge headache. this headache overthrew Zeus so he had Hephaestus, carve a blade, a axe i suppose, and cut open Zeus head, Athena popped out fully grown and in full armor

Athena was ruler of what?

Athena didnt rule anything. She was the goddess of widsom, crafts and strategic battle. She was the patron of Athens afrter having to fight for it with Poseidon.

Who was Greek goddess Athena married to?

She was unmarried and widely known for being a virgin. But in other mythologies, the equivalent of Athena was married to the equivalent of Apollo.She didnt get married stupid

Why was Athena a virgin?

because she didnt waste her time with stupid boys, she had great wisdom and lead many wars,

Why did Poseidon kill Ajax?

hw didnt it was Athena she drove him mad because he vowed to kill the people she was protecting (sorry cant remember their names, but their pretty famous and easy to find) he then comitted suicide in the most honorable way possible by falling on his sword That's wrong... Ajax raped Cassandra in Athena's temple, which pissed Athena off. Then Ajax started talking smack, saying he could escape the wrath of the gods while he was sailing home from Troy. Poseidon heard and got angry and ship wrecked him, then split the rocks of Gyrae from under his feet and he fell into an abyss and died. least according to the Odyssey

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Did Athena Love Ulysses?

no she didnt

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What is the name of Athena's child?

Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, was a virgin, so didn't have children.

What god did Sparta honor?

Sparta didnt have a patron god, a god protector of the city (like Athens had Athena). They worship all 12 gods but they felt closer to Zeus as they consider them descendants of Hercules, son of Zeus.

How was Athena born?

From what i learned, Zeus learned that Metis was going to have a child, Athena. Zeus didnt want this to happen because indulgent reasons, so he ate his wife and got a huge headache. this headache overthrew Zeus so he had Hephaestus, carve a blade, a axe i suppose, and cut open Zeus head, Athena popped out fully grown and in full armor

Athena was ruler of what?

Athena didnt rule anything. She was the goddess of widsom, crafts and strategic battle. She was the patron of Athens afrter having to fight for it with Poseidon.

What did Athena do to get sacrifice?

she didnt get sacrificed because gods never die or cant die

Did Athena Wu Brooks annoyed every single person in her school?

no! im sure that she didnt.

what is going to happen to me cause i didnt pay my speeding ticket and didnt make my court date but i want to pay it whats going to happen and what i need to do?

what is going to happen to me cause i didnt pay my speeding ticket and didnt make my court date but i want to pay it whats going to happen? and what i need to do?”

When did Athena invent the flute?

she didnt well i dont think so hey can you tell me i have to do an esay on here

Who was Greek goddess Athena married to?

She was unmarried and widely known for being a virgin. But in other mythologies, the equivalent of Athena was married to the equivalent of Apollo.She didnt get married stupid

Why was Athena a virgin?

because she didnt waste her time with stupid boys, she had great wisdom and lead many wars,