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Darius the Great and Xerses the Great

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Q: What were the two great kings of the Persian Empire?
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Who were the two great kings of the Persian Empire?

Cyrus and Darius the Great both ruled over the Persian Empire

Who were the great kings of the Persian empire?

the two great kings where cyrus, cambyese, and darius.

Who were the two greatest kings of the Persian Empire?

Cyrus the Great and Darius the Great.

Who were the two great kings of the Persian empirs?

Cyrus and Darius the Great both ruled over the Persian Empire

Who were the two kings involved in the Persian Wars?

Darius the Great and Xerxes the Great.

Who were the two Persian Kings in the 2 Persian wars?

Darius and Xerxes.

520-331 BCE - Persian Empire Cyrus the Great to Darius?

They were two of the kings who established it - from 550 BCE by Cyrus onwards. Cambyses II followed Cyrus and Darius I followed him. Others followed until Darius III was displaced by Alexander the Great in 331 BCE and it became the Macedonian Empire.

Is Darius a king?

No he is not, he died two and a half thousand years ago. Darius I was king of the Persian Empire.

What two important areas of the ancient world did Alexander the great gain control of?

Greece and the Persian Empire.

Did The Persian Empire controlled much of Southwest Asia by the 1500S's?

The Persian Empire was taken over by Alexander the Great nearly two thousand years earlier if you are talking about 1500 CE. If you meant 1500 BCE, the Persian Empire came into existence a thousand years later.

What are two accomplishments Alexander the great had?

Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire and spread Greek culture throughout southwest Asia.

What two civilization did Alexander the great conquer as he built empire?

Alexander the great conquered the Persian Empire in a series of invasions and battles lasting from 334 to 331 BCE. He then conquered Egypt and founded the city of Alexandria.