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inundation emergence harvest

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Q: What were the three parts of the Egyptian calendar?
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Related questions

How is the Egyptian calendar similar to the modern calendar?

It's similar as the modern calender can be considered to be based off some parts of the Egyptian calender (if you're referring to the Ancient Egyptian calender), it's probably best to check.

What was the Egyptian calendar parts called?

Inundation,emergence, and harvest to follow the actions of the Nile

What are the 3 parts in the Egyptian calendar?

Inundation (flooding) Emergence (returning of waters and planting crops) Harvest (picking crops)

What was the ancient Egyptian calendar was based on?

The Egyptian calendar was base on a solar year

Is the calendar based on the death of Jesus?

no it is based on an old egyptian calendar

Who invented the calendar used before the 365 day calendar?

The Egyptian

What calendar did Julius Caesar fix?

To fix the calendar that was in use during his time, which was the lunar calendar, he trashed it completely and along with Egyptian priests, devised the solar calendar.To fix the calendar that was in use during his time, which was the lunar calendar, he trashed it completely and along with Egyptian priests, devised the solar calendar.To fix the calendar that was in use during his time, which was the lunar calendar, he trashed it completely and along with Egyptian priests, devised the solar calendar.To fix the calendar that was in use during his time, which was the lunar calendar, he trashed it completely and along with Egyptian priests, devised the solar calendar.To fix the calendar that was in use during his time, which was the lunar calendar, he trashed it completely and along with Egyptian priests, devised the solar calendar.To fix the calendar that was in use during his time, which was the lunar calendar, he trashed it completely and along with Egyptian priests, devised the solar calendar.To fix the calendar that was in use during his time, which was the lunar calendar, he trashed it completely and along with Egyptian priests, devised the solar calendar.To fix the calendar that was in use during his time, which was the lunar calendar, he trashed it completely and along with Egyptian priests, devised the solar calendar.To fix the calendar that was in use during his time, which was the lunar calendar, he trashed it completely and along with Egyptian priests, devised the solar calendar.

Does Egypt have a calendar?

There was an ancient Egyptian calendar, but modern Egypt uses the Coptic Calendar, which is based on the calendar of ancient Egypt.

How many days are in the Egyptian Calendar?


When was the Egyptian solar calendar invented?


How many days are in Egyptian calendar?


Why did the Egyptian's create a calendar?

because they wanted to