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Hercules was a very prolific father, to say the least. He had way more than three children. Since he was a god, he passed on his genetic material freely. Here's a list of many [Women-Children] related to Hercules:

Aeschreis - Leucones

Aglaia - Antiades

Anthippe - Hippodromus

Antiope - Alopius

Argele - Cleolaus

Asopis - Mentor

Astydamia - Ctesippus

Astyoche - Tlepolemus

Auge - Telephus

Autonoe - Palaemon

Calametis - Astybies

Certhe - Iobes

Chalciope - Thettalus

Chryseis - Onesippus

Clytippe - Eurycapys

Deianira - Hyllus Ctesippus Glenus and Onites

Elachia - Buleus

Eone - Amestrius

Epicaste - Thestalus

Epilais - Astyanax

Erato - Dynastes

Euboea - Olympus

Eubote - Eurypylus

Eury ... Teleutagoras

Eurybia - Polylaus

Eurypyle - Archedicus

Eurytele - Leucippus

Exole - Erythras

Heliconis - Phalias

Hesychia - Oestrobles

Hippo - Capylus

Hippocrate - Hippozygus

Iphis - Celeustanor

Laothoe - Antiphus

Lyse - Eumedes

Lysidice - Teles

Lysippe - Erasippus

Marse - Bucolus

Megara - Therimachus Deicoon and Creontiades

Meline - Laomedon

Menippis - Entelides

Nice - Nicodromus

Nicippe - Antimachus

Olympusa - Halocrates

Omphale - Agelaus

Oriahe - Laomenes

Panope - Threpsippas

Parthenope - Everes

Patro - Archemachus

Phyleis - Tigasis

Praxithea - Nephus

Procris - Antileon & Hippeus

Pyrippehe - Patroclus

Stratonice - Atromus

Terpsicrate - Euryopes

Tiphyse - Lyncaeus

Toxicrate - Lycurgus

Xanthis - Homolippus

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Alexiares, Anicetus, Telephus, Hyllus, and Tiepolemus

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Q: What were the three names of Hercules' children?
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What were the names of Hercules and Hebe's children?

Hercules is the Roman name for the Greek hero Herakles. Neither Hercules or Heraklea had any children.

Who were Hercules' children?

Hercules had many children.but his most treasured was his three children with his wife Megara. He had two sons and one daughter. His daughter was the eldest out of the three in the Greek mythology of Hercules. His two sons' names were not identified but his daughter's was.her name was Macaria. Macaria had sacrified her life to protect her two siblings from the wife of Zeus, Hera. His son by Omphale is usually called Agelaus, but some authors give other names.

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Eventually, Juno, his jealous stepmother, drove Hercules insane. Due to his insanity, Hercules killed his wife, Megara, and their three children. Hercules exiled himself because of the shame that he had brought on himself through his lack of sanity. Later in life Hercules went to the town of Thebes and married Deianira. She bore him many children.

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Hercules did not kill his parents. He killed his children.

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