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Q: What were the evil gods that Zeus had to destroy called?
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Why was Zeus called the gods' father?

Zeus was called the gods' father because he killed his own father Cronus, thus saving his siblings and the Titans.

Zeus is not evil that is Dahaks department?

Zeus is the Olympain King of the Gods, the god of sky and weather, law, order and fate. Greek origin. Dahak, a fictional evil god crafted by the creators of Zena.

How Zeus got his powers?

zeus got his powers by killing his father Kronos an evil titan. than he became the king of gods. hope it helps

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Evil Greek gods?

Evil greek gods would not be considered "gods" they are Hades and prehaps Ares. EDIT: You're joking right? They done NOTHING compared to what Zeus had pulled off. Raping women and sending all the evils of the world to humanity.

What was the building that Zeus live in called?

Zeus lived in a palace on Mount Olympus called the "The Royal Palace of the Gods".

Why did Zeus and the other Greek gods destroy the titans?

Because the Titans hated the gods, and the gods hated the Titans, so the gods wanted rid of the titans. They used Kronos' scythe to cut him to bits and sent him to Tartarus.

Was Zeus a big god?

We do not know his size, but he was called king of the gods.

Who was the king of gods in the Greek mythology?

The king of Greek gods, is the sky god, father of all gods, one of the big three, is Zeus.