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Susa, Persepolis, Babylon, Susa, Memphis, and a hundred Greek cities in Asia Minor.

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Q: What were the advanced cities of the Persian Empire?
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How many capitals cities did the Persian Empire have about 500 BC?

The Persian Empire had 4 capital cities in 500 BC - Babylon, Persepolis, Ecbatana, and Susa.

What were the advanced cities of Ancient Persia?

Advanced cities of Ancient Persia were the Persepolis, Susa, and the Ecbatana. Persepolis was the capital of the Persian kingdom.

What key cities of the Persian Empire did Alexander conquer and why?

All of them, so he could take over all of the Persian Empire.

Why might the Persian empire have been a threat to greece?

Greek cities interfered in the Persian Empire in support of the Greek cities within the Empire. This led the Persians to think that the only way for peace was to absorb the Greek cities into the Empire. A fifty-year war ensued.

What three technologies did the early Persian Empire implement into the city's infrastructure?

Which city are you asking about. There were hundreds of cities within the Persian Empire.

What were the Persian Empire's wars and enemies?

After the Empire was established, their main problem was the Greek cities of Asia Minor which they had incorporated into the empire. These cities rebelled and it took six ears to suppress the revolt.some Greek cities in mainland Greece had supported the revolts, Persia decided to incorporate all the cities within the empire in order to control them. This resulted in a 50-year war until the Persians gave up. Then Macedonia dominated the European Greek cities and invaded the Persian Empire and took it over.

What was the reason of the Persian war to happend?

The Greek city-states within the Persian Empire revolted. Cities outside the empire intervened and the war spread.

How did winning the Persian War affected the Athenians?

They turned the alliance of cities against the Persian Empire into an empire of their own and used the financial contributions of the cities to beautify Athens and keep half its population on the public payroll.

What cities of the Persian Empire did Alexander conquer?

All - he took over all of the Empire and made it his own.

What key cities did Alexander conquer in the Persian empire and whay?

he felt like it

What cities were located in the Persian empire?

Babylon, Susa, Pasagadae, Ecbatana, sardis

What impacted the Persian wars?

The determination of Persia to stop the Greek cities causing trouble in their empire, and the determination of the Greek cities within the Persian empire to gain and maintain their independence. Persia, after 50 years agreed to stay out of the cities. The wry ending was that Athens, leader of the anti-Persian league for the last thirty years of the wars, then turned the league into an empire of its own, leaving the 180 cities wondering what they had been fighting the Persians for.