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This is part of a report I have to do. I used a few websites to write this. I hope you can use this and remember don't copy please.

There were many things the Aztecs accomplished. One thing the Aztecs accomplished was they invented Chewing Gum. Yes chewing gum! The Aztecs were the first to notice that the sap of the plant or the thick milky liquid of the sapodilla tree could be chewed and quickly hardened into a chewable gum. The liquid was referred to as "chicle," and commonly used by the commoner of the Aztecs society. Another thing the Aztec's invented was chocolate. Yes chocolate! The Aztecs are to be totally credited with discovering now to grind the beans to remove the sweet sap for drinking. Chocolate was highly expensive in the Aztec culture as it was considered as currency. The Aztecs also considered it an important tribute to the gods and it was commonly used during the sacrificial process. They are also credited with brewing the drink xocoatl which comprises a chocolate drink that was of cocoa beans, corn flour, water and chilies. The drink was so valuable, that it was reserved for the noble classes only. Lastly, the Aztec's invented popcorn. Yes popcorn! Although this was around way before the Aztecs, it's the Aztecs who bought it to the attention of the Spanish. The popped corn was eaten along with being an ornament of the headdresses of the nobility as well as the headdresses of the priests and Tlaloc, the god of maize and fertility. Those are three that have impacted us very much because I eat chocolate and popcorn a lot and sometimes I chew chewing gum. The Aztecs made a huge impact on society. Some Aztec accomplishments were the atlatl. The atlatl was an important development used extensively in Aztec warfare. These Aztec weapons, which were also known as the "spear thrower," were the primary weapons used by Aztec warriors during warfare. The atlatl helped the Aztec warriors gain leverage in order to achieve greater velocity when throwing spears. This made the spear far more deadly than when thrown with arm power alone. These Aztec weapons were made with a shaft and a hook. The butt of the spear rested within the shaft. When the spear was thrown using the atlatl, it was capable of going more than 100 meters. Aztec warriors continued to improve upon the atlatl through the years. These amazing Aztec weapons became so powerful, in fact, the Spanish conquistadors feared the Aztec atlatl more than any other weapon. This was with good cause, as the atlatl was capable of easily penetrating the Spanish metal armor. The weapon was so effective that it often passed completely through the conquistador's body. In addition to using a wide variety of specialized Aztec weapons, large Aztec war shields helped prevent the warriors from being harmed by the enemy. The Aztec's made a huge improvement in the military section too.

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Q: What were the Aztecs' accomplishments?
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What were some accomplishments of the Aztecs?

The making of a calender

What are the accomplishments of the Aztecs?

The Aztecs did metalworking, weaving, built a transportation stystem, they found a perfect city that fitted their beliefs

What accomplishments did the Aztecs make?

The Aztecs made several accomplishments during their time. They helped to begin to development of mathematics, architecture, art, and astronomy. They were the first to make instruments to study the stars and planets.

What did the Aztecs make?

The Aztecs made several accomplishments during their time. They helped to begin to development of mathematics, architecture, art, and Astronomy. They were the first to make instruments to study the stars and planets.

What were the chief characteristics and accomplishments of the Aztecs?

Chief characteristics of the Aztecs were they were very religious, and they were violent and ready for war at anytime. Human sacrifices to their gods were common. Some of their accomplishments included the Chinampas, which were floating gardens, they also developed a system of education for their children, and they invented a game called ollama which is similar to soccer.

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The concept of 0.The calendar summarized by the Aztecs, and the Incas.The Egyptians also created grid-roads and plumbing systems

A study of Mayas Aztecs and Incas would show that these ancient amaerican civilizations?

D, rivaled the accomplishments of early Middle Eastern cultures

What where some of the Aztecs major accomplishments?

The Aztec warriors forced people to pay tribute, they built floating islands on the water, and they sacrificed people to the Gods. (:

Why were the Mayas and Aztecs considered a civilization?

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What were Cortes' greatest accomplishments?

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What did the Aztecs do all day?

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