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Providing internal and external security.

An effective system of local, provincial and central government based on local self-rule.

Promoting prosperity.

Keeping taxes modest.

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Webster Gutkowski

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Landen Heaney

Lvl 13
1y ago

Providing internal and external security.

An effective system of local, provincial and central government based on local self-rule.

Promoting prosperity.

Keeping taxes modest.

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7y ago

Provincial government oriented to internal and external security, central oversight and coordination of the provinces by king and his council, a moderate taxation system which helped develop local infrastructure, allowing traditional government systems to continue in cities, tribes and principalities.

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10y ago

Providing internal and external security.

An effective system of local, provincial and central government based on local self-rule.

Promoting prosperity.

Keeping taxes modest.

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10y ago

They established internal and border security.

They promoted prosperity.

They left local government in local hands, under the oversight and protection of Persian provincial governors with overall control by the king and his council.

They taxed moderately.

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7y ago

They provided internal and external security, improved prosperity and allowed local government, religion and customs to continue.

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Q: What were some factors that led to the success of the Persian Empire?
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