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They had about the same role as modern millionaires.

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Q: What were roles of nobles in Aztec society?
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How was the Aztec society orginized?

how is aztec society orginized

What was one difference between the roles of nobles and commoners in Aztec society?

Nobles were able to choose a new king, while commoners were not.

What were the four basic classes of aztec society?

Kings, Nobles,Merchants slaves

What were the 2 kinds of Aztec schools?

The two kinds of Aztec schools were calmecac, which provided education for nobles and future leaders, and telpochcalli, which offered training for commoners and warriors. Each school focused on different aspects of Aztec society and had specific roles in preparing individuals for their future roles.

What was one difference between the role of the king and that of the nobles in Aztec society?

The king could decide to go to war, while the nobles could not.

Why do you think it was important for the Aztec to be able to tell commoners and nobles apart just by looking at them?

It was important for the Aztec to differentiate between commoners and nobles because social distinctions played a significant role in Aztec society. Nobles held positions of power and privilege, while commoners had different responsibilities and rights. Being able to discern one's social status at a glance helped maintain order and hierarchy in Aztec society.

In Aztec Society merchants and artisans were so important to society that they were considered nobles true or false?

True. In Aztec society, merchants and artisans were considered nobles because of their crucial role in the economy and their ability to provide valuable goods and services to the community. They were highly respected and held in high regard for their contributions to society.

What key roles did many trusted nobles perform for the aztec emperors?

They were tax collectors and judges.

What was the class structure of Aztec society and to wich class did most people belong?

there was three main classes formed Aztec society: the nobles, the intermediate class, and the commoners. Most people in Aztec society were in the third class, the commoners. By the way you spelled which wrong.....

Explain the Aztec caste system and its role in the Aztec society?

From the bottom to the top: Slaves, Commoners, Nobles, Emperor. The slaves held the majority however.

What were the different groups that made up Aztec society?

they were nobles,commoners,unskilled laborers,and enslaved peoples.

Did the Aztecs go to school?

Aztec children were educated at home by their parents or specialized tutors. They were taught skills and values important for their future roles in society, such as farming, hunting, and religious rituals. Formal schools known as "calmecac" were reserved for elite children or those training to become priests or nobles.