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Hades did not battle/overthrow his father, his brother Zeus did.

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Q: What weapon did Hades have when he fought against his father?
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Who were the gods that Zeus Poseidon and Hades fought against?

They fought against their father, Kronos (Chronos) as well as the rest of the Titans.

What is Hades Favorite Weapon?

The Helm of Hades was crafted by the Cyclops for the war against the Titans led by his father Cronus. It was certainly significant to him.

Who fought Hades and lost?

The Titans fought with the younger gods, of whom Hades was one, and then lost.

How did Zeus become king?

Zeus had many siblings: Poseidon, Hades and Hera were some of them. They all fought against they're father, Zeus was the one to kill him and spread his body parts around. Since he killed his father, Zeus became the King of the gods, he tricked Hades into taking the underworld, he gave the whole sea to Poseidon and he married Hera his sister.

Who are Zeus' allies against Cronus?

Zues' allies against his father Kronos(Cronus)were his siblings and the cyclopes he freed from Tartarus

What is Hades bi-dent?

A bident is an instrument or weapon with two prongs. The bident is the traditional weapon of Hades, Greek God of the underworld.

What are Hades's weapons?

hades most favorite weapon is a two pronged fork

Who was hades in law father?

hades father in law is Zeus because persephone is his wife and her father is Zeus makeing him hade father in law along with being his brother

Did Hades and Typhoon get along?

No. Hades and Typhoon fought for different teams.

Who was Hades' father-in-law?

Hades' father-in-law is his Brother, Zeus.

Who is hades father-in-law?

Zeus is Hades' Father-in-law, and his brother.

Who was hades's father- in-law?

Hades' father-in-law is his brother Zeus.