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The Mediterranean Sea.

The Black Sea.

The Aegean Sea.

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Q: What was three major trade routes within and outside of the Persian Empire?
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What was the reason of the Persian war to happend?

The Greek city-states within the Persian Empire revolted. Cities outside the empire intervened and the war spread.

How long in miles was the distance between the Persian Empire and the city of Jerusalem?

The city of Jerusalem was within the Persian Empire.

What was king Darius' goal?

He wanted to maintain peace, stability and prosperity within his empire. When the Greek cities within his empire revolted, and the Greek city-states outside his empire supported them, he decided to bring those external cities within his empire so that, under a Persian provincial governor, they would no longer disrupt the Empire.

What three technologies did the early Persian Empire implement into the city's infrastructure?

Which city are you asking about. There were hundreds of cities within the Persian Empire.

What did the Persian Empire became famous for?

Attempting to organise security and prosperity within the empire.

What cause the Persian war?

The Greek cities in Asia Minor revolted against Persian rule, some Greek city-states outside the empire intervened, and the Persians attempted to incorporate them into the empire to keep them quite, and so it spread.

Was the Persian Empire a theocracy?

No, it was a monarchy. The empire was tolerant of a wide variety of religions within its borders.

Who did king Darius influence?

The people within the Persian Empire which he ruled.

What caused the Persian war to start?

The Greek city-states in Asia Minor within the Persian Empire revolted.

What were the accomplishments of the Persian Empire under Darius?

It established peace, stability and improved prosperity within its empire.

What was the Persian War fought for?

Persia faced a revolt by Greek city-states within its empire. When it began to suppress the revolt, Gree cities outside the empire intervened and so the war spread across the Eastern Mediterranean.

What was the cause of war between Greece and the Persian Empire?

Greek city-states within the Persian Empire in Asia Minor were induced to revolt against Persian rule, and it expanded to include mainland Greece.