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Q: What was the result of the Spanish encounters with the Aztec and Inca civilizations during the 1500s?
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The population decreased because of the desises

Mexico's culture is mostly influenced by what nation?

Mexican culture is the result of a mix between the Native American civilizations living there until the 15th century -- of special importance are the Aztec and Mayan civilizations -- as well as the Spanish culture, brought by Spanish conquistadors from 1521 until Mexican independence in 1821.

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None, however, the US annexed Hawaii during the Spanish American War and it did become a US State. That annexation was independent of the War and not as a result of the War.

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Both sides in the Spanish Civil War received aid from outside Spain. France did not receive aid during or as a result of the Spanish Civil War.

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Hernando Cortes' expedition resulted in the defeat of the Aztec Empire and the conquest of Mexico. This conquest led to the establishment of Spanish colonization in the region and the eventual decline of indigenous civilizations.

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coefficients that measure the efficiency of predation - for the prey, it is the proportion of encounters that result in the death of a prey individual; for the predator, it is the proportion of encounters that result in the death of a prey individual multiplied by the proportion of a new predator individual contributed by a prey individual.

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Civilizations began to develop a defined territory.

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Isolation from other early civilizations

Why is Spanish Mexico's main language?

Spanish is Mexico's main language because it was introduced by Spanish colonizers during the colonial period which lasted from 1521 to 1821. As a result of this colonization, Spanish became the dominant language in Mexico and has since been spoken by the majority of the population.