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Q: What was the name of the Macedonian king who conquered the Persian Empire and promoted a blend of Greek and Eastern cultures?
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The Macedonian king who conquered the Persian Empire and promoted a blend of Greek and Middle Eastern customs?

Alexander the Great, the son of King Phillip II. After King Phillip was murdered, Alexander was made king. He spread Hellenistic Culture (culture or customs of the Greeks) while he conquered other lands.

Which cultures contributed to the new Hellenistic civilization?

Hellenistic civilisation was the result of Alexander the Great's conquest of the Persian Empire, which included Turkey, the Middle East, Persia, Afghanistan, Pakistan west of the river Indus, Central Asia and Egypt. Hellenism refers to the spread of Greek influence in the conquered areas, rather than a blend of cultures.

What was the Hellenistic civilization why was the Hellenistic civilization important?

Hellenistic culture is the blend of Greek, Middle Eastern and Asian cultures. The significance is that this blend happened after Alexander conquered the empires and countries listed above for the first time in history.

Where did Hadrian conquer?

He didn't conquer any places that I know of but he did give away the Eastern part of his territory that Trajan had conquered. He was more of a person who strengthened borders rather than conquering new lands.

Where did the surname Alexander originate?

The surname Alexander originated as a personal name in ancient Greece (Macedonia). Because it was the personal name of the great Macedonian conqueror, Alexander the Great, it came to be used as both a personal name and as surname in those European and Middle eastern countries where he had a significant cultural or political impact.

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The Macedonian king who conquered the Persian Empire and promoted a blend of Greek and Middle Eastern customs?

Alexander the Great, the son of King Phillip II. After King Phillip was murdered, Alexander was made king. He spread Hellenistic Culture (culture or customs of the Greeks) while he conquered other lands.

Who was the king who conquered the Persian Empire and promoted a blend of Greek and Eastern customs?

Alexander the Great.

What was the significance of of the Hellenistic culture?

Hellenistic culture is the blend of Greek, Middle Eastern and Asian cultures. The significance is that this blend happened after Alexander conquered the empires and countries listed above for the first time in history.

Which four cultures did Hellenistic civilization blend?

Yes, after Alexander the Great had established his Hellenistic empire, he somehow managed to diplomatically blend their eastern and western cultures. So, to answer your question, yes, the Hellenistic civilization is a blend of eastern and western cultures.

Love relationship in Eastern and western cultures?

Love relationships are a little different between Eastern and Western cultures. There are more divorces in Eastern cultures than Western.

Which cultures contributed to the new Hellenistic civilization?

Hellenistic civilisation was the result of Alexander the Great's conquest of the Persian Empire, which included Turkey, the Middle East, Persia, Afghanistan, Pakistan west of the river Indus, Central Asia and Egypt. Hellenism refers to the spread of Greek influence in the conquered areas, rather than a blend of cultures.

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The early Slavs were not conquered. They were conquerors. They conquered most of eastern Europe.

What are the similarities between the eastern and western empire?

They were both conquered by Barbarians. But the Barbarians completely conquered the western side while they conquered a little bit of the eastern side. The eastern side lasted longer than the western side. They both are parts of ancient Rome.

What is the hellenist?

The Hellenistic period lasted from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C. until 31 B.C., when Roman troops conquered the last of the territories that the Macedonian king had once ruled. During this time period, Greek ideas and culture were spread from the Eastern Mediterranean to Asia.

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There are a ton of cultures. Examples are: Western, Eastern, Scandinavian, Medeterranian, Mayan

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The Mongol Empire - Mongolia Conquered Asia,Eastern Europe, and the Middle East