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Q: What was the name of the King Alcinous' daughter who first greeted Odysseus after he landed on the island?
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What was the name of the King Alcinous daughter who first greeted Odysseus after he landed on the island?


What was the name of kings alcinous' daughter who was greeted Odysseus after he landed on the island?

When Odysseus arrives in Phaeacia the first person he meets is Nausicaa. Nausicaa is the daughter of King Alcinous and gives Odysseus clothes to wear.

What was the name of King Alcinous daughter who first greeted Odysseus after he landed on the island?

When Odysseus arrives in Phaeacia the first person he meets is Nausicaa. Nausicaa is the daughter of King Alcinous and gives Odysseus clothes to wear.

How is Odysseus received on the island of scheria home of king alcinous?

It was the home of the Phaeacians, who treated Odysseus as a welcome guest.

Which immortal imprisons Odysseus on her island?

The goddess nymph Calypso, one daughter of Atlas, imprisons Odysseus on her island of Ogygia for seven years.

Who is the narrator in I am laertes' son?

'I am Laertes' son' is the beginning of the Odyssey. The section is about Odysseus, son of Laertes, telling the beginning of his hard journery to King Alcinous on the island of Phaeacia. Before he was washed ashore to the island of Phaeacia, Odysseus has lost all his men on boats. He is the only one to survive the harsh journey, but yet, he is not home. Poseidon, God of the Sea, makes it rough for Odysseus to reach home, to Ithaca. When Odysseus is washed ashore on the island of Phaeacia, women that work for the king discovers Odysseus and takes him to bathe, feed, and cloth. Thus, when Odysseus eats with King Alcinous during a festival, he tells him who he is and begins his story of why he hasn't returned home for ten years.

Where does nausicaa find Odysseus?

Nausicaa, daughter of the king of Phaecians, finds Odysseus next to a river on her island of Scheria.

How did the Phaeacians help Odysseus?

Keryra (Corcyra) the island of the Phaeacians is the last place visited by Odysseus before he returns home. The princess Nusicaa seems to develop a bit of a crush on him, and her father Alcinous - king of the Phaeacians - gives Odysseus a magic ship on which he can sail home to Ithaca.

What were the places Odysseus visited on his journey?

After Odysseus and his fleet leave Troy they visit:Cicones (Ismaros island)Land of the Lotus EatersCyclops (Polyphemus; one of Poseidon's monster sons)Aeolus (King of winds)Laestrogonians (giant cannibals)CirceLand of the Dead/HadesSirensSyclla & CharybdisThrinakia (Sun God)*Calypso*Phaecia (King Alcinous' island)And Finally *IthacaKey:*= Odysseus visted it alone

Is Island Ogygia the exact location of Odysseus beloved home?

No, the exact location of Odysseus's beloved home was Ithaca. Ogygia is an island where the nymph Calypso, the daughter of Titan Atlas, detained (kept in official custody) Odysseus for seven years.

Odysseus hailed from what island?

Odysseus was the king of the island of Ithaca.ITHACA!

Who is broadsea in The Odyssey?

Broadsea is a region near the island of the Cyclops mentioned in Homer's "The Odyssey". It is known for its rough and stormy waters, posing a danger to sailors. Odysseus and his crew faced challenges navigating through the treacherous waters of Broadsea during their journey back to Ithaca.