Generally, Poseidon was depicted with a trident, as was his Roman counterpart, Neptune.
No, because Selene does not need a weapon, being the goddess of the moon and favored consort of Zeus.
Nyx didn't use a weapon, other than darkness itself. G.M.
Hebe, Greek goddess of Youth, is most well known for the Cup, with which she served the gods and goddesses on Olympus.
Porsche is not a Greek Goddess. Porsche is a maker of vehicles.
No, because Selene does not need a weapon, being the goddess of the moon and favored consort of Zeus.
She is the goddess of fire, without fire weapons can not be forged.
her symbol was a spear
Hestia needed no weapon, being the goddess of fire - weapons can not be forged without fire.
The word "divine" in the New Testament is the Greek word θείας (theias), and is the adjective form of "divinity".
Athena used a spear and a shield.
As the goddess of Youth, she could make those who were old young again. You might think this a weapon if one who received this "gift" did not want it.
Hestia is a goddess of fire, without fire weapons can not be forged.
It was not, Hera did not need any mortal weapon least of all a dagger, she was a Greek goddess.
Nyx didn't use a weapon, other than darkness itself. G.M.
Artemis used her silver bow and arrows.